Delight yourself also in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Baby Blessings

Our family is soon to be blessed with not just one but two more little ones! Phylicia's ultrasound proved what we had hoped all along. She is having a girl! The little ones name is/will be Sophia Ann.

Mason's parents are expecting BW2 in April and we are impatiently waiting for their ultrasound to reveal the gender of this little blessing.

As Sophia's birth gets closer I find myself perusing all manner of blogs and pattern sites looking for all the wonderful girly-goodies I can!  The next project on my Baby-To-Do list is a pair of Mary Janes. Since her Mommy loves Mary Janes and they are so adorable making them seems the proper next choice.

As a woman who always said that I would never be the bootie knitting kind of Gramma I now giggle every single time I crochet a matching pair of baby booties;).

So here is a peek into me and one of my quirks: I wear socks with my flip-flops when my piggies are cold. Phylicia and Alana hate it and tease me constantly. I found a free baby flip-flop pattern and once they're made I am gonna add a 'sock' to each of them. I can not wait to see Phylicia's face when she opens that gift! AND I will be taking a picture of Sophia wearing them and getting a poster-sized print made of it and hanging it in my house!

This is gonna be soooo much fun!!!
May you be content with yourself the way you are,
