Delight yourself also in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4

Friday, June 17, 2011

Outfit Of The Day~

One thing I noticed while searching through blogs is a trend where the authors posts pictures of themselves showing the outfit they wore that day. I am gonna implement that into this blog for me.

Making up my mind to do this was not easy. This is me stepping out in faith.

First of all I am just now breaking myself of the bad habit of running around the house in jammies or house-dresses. While both are comfy and sometimes even cute neither of them do anything for my self-esteem.

Secondly, I am not sure I have clothing appropriate for the way I want to dress. We shall see:).

Thirdly, there is the whole "post a picture(s) of myself" on the Internet.

Fourthly, I have yet to find a blog that features OOTD that is authored by a woman my age. Most of the blogs I have found are by women in their late teens to mid-twenties.

I am, however, willing to pioneer a movement of mature women who wish to explore there own body-image and wardrobe issues. While many woman do address these issues earlier in life than I have I am sure I am not the only late bloomer, so to speak. In my mid-twenties I was already a mother to 2 children and by the time I turned 30 I had baby #3 with the fourth on the way.

Well, it is my turn now and I have decided that as long as I do not look as though I am dressing as a 25-OR-75 year old and I love it, I am gonna rock it! To that end, I present you with my very first OOTD:

McDonald's Sweet Ice Tea in hand:).
The little girl in me had to twirl!
This one is for My Baby.
Hamming it up.
Close Up of "Necklace".

A special thank you to my daughter, Phylicia, for her enthusiastic 'outfit approval', taking these pics, and sending them to me from her cell phone. Love u bunches!!!

The Particulars:
Shades: Family Dollar $6.00
Red Shirt: Wal-Mart $5.00
Blue & White Skirt: Thrifted $1.50
Red Sandals: Pay Less (Gift)
Yellow Earrings & Necklace: Handmade by me:).

Picking out my clothing and accessories was surprisingly fun today! I love, love, love the skirt. Since I knew I wanted to rock those sexy red sandals I looked for a red shirt. Usually I would have worn a blue or red necklace...maybe even a white one. In all of my jewelry stash I could not find a single one. Soooo, I decided to go for "POP". I took a yellow and red beaded bracelet that I made a few years ago and added enough chain to convert it into a necklace...and put on the matching earrings. I love the look!

Hope your weekend is wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. You said, "I am, however, willing to pioneer a movement of mature women who wish to explore their own body-image and wardrobe issues. While many woman do address these issues earlier in life than I have I am sure I am not the only late bloomer, so to speak."

    PLEASE continue this part of the blog!!! I am just starting to be where I'd like to come out of the dark hidey-hole of self-deprivation and undeserved self-punishment. But I DON'T have the wardrobe to do so, and it was really discouraged in my marriage, so I've NEVER developed shopping skills and "accessorizing" (which I believe is supposed to be pronounced with a lisp or those hissy S's).

    Your links have already lead me to a couple of websites that I bookmarked. I don't have a lot of money - none to spend on things as silly as clothes, really - but now the wardrobe has shrunk to be a real problem sometimes.

    One horrifying upcoming example is that at any given moment, one son or the other can propose to his love. I no longer even know what regular people wear to weddings in this generation, much less what plus size people can get away with, and factor in Mother of the Groom, and I'm lost. Then multiply by X, as in the X will be there, with some of his family, and wife #2, who is a size ZERO on a fat day. (Not kidding).
    Not exaggerating all that much to say it stirs up feelings of suicide.

    I don't know how many people your blog will reach, but you may be able to make a WORLD of difference for one woman and one good son.
